Music Teachers' Association of California
Marin County Branch
2024-25 MTAC Marin Branch Officers, Directors & Program Chairs
President: Paul Agricola - pagricola@hotmail.com
1st Vice-President: John Metz - johnmetzpiano@gmail.com
2nd Vice-President: Jeanette Tietze - pianojeanette@yahoo.com
Recording Secretary: Marie Carbone - mmarguerite@yahoo.com
Membership Secretary: Christina Bradley - cmtbradley@gmail.com
Treasurer: Mariko Heenan - allemande54@gmail.com
Assistant Treasurer: Christina Bradley - cmtbradley@gmail.com
Max Abrahams
Umida Avloni
Judy Lichterman
Wendy Nurge Loder
Christina Bradley
Christina Bradley
Mariko Heenan
Wendy Nurge Loder
Paul Agricola
Christina Bradley
John Metz
Adult Recital: Karen Fournier (kfournier7@gmail.com)
Baroque Recital: Jeanette Tietze (pianojeanette@yahoo.com)
Certificate of Merit: Christina Bradley (cmtbradley@gmail.com)
Composers Today: Marie Carbone (mmarguerite@yahoo.com)
Improvisation: Marie Carbone (mmarguerite@yahoo.com)
Instrumental/Vocal Recital: Christina Bradley (cmtbradley@gmail.com)
Master Class: Paul Agricola (pagricola@hotmail.com), Jeanette Tietze, Umida Avloni
MBD Memorial Piano Competition: John Metz (johnmetzpiano@gmail.com), Paul Agricola
State Honors Recital: Christina Bradley (cmtbradley@gmail.com)
Sonata/Sonatina Recital: Jeanette Tietze (pianojeanette@yahoo.com)
Spring Festival: Chair TBA
Teacher Recital: Jeanette Tietze (pianojeanette@yahoo.com)
Teen Recital: Virginia "Gini" Wilson (chamberjazz@comcast.net)
MTAC Mission Statement
To promote excellence in the music teaching profession through high standards for membership, strong ethical
values, and continuation of musical education to cultivate personal, professional, and artistic excellence. The Music Teachers’ Association of California, incorporated in 1897, is a professional organization dedicated to the
pursuit of excellence in music education. With over 4,700 members, there are more than 67 self-governing, affiliated
branches throughout the state—from Humboldt County to San Diego County—which coordinate their own activities
as well as participate in state-wide events.
MTAC Vision Statement (Accepted in 2009)
MTAC aspires to be the recognized leader in (1) Student Programs, which make a positive impact in the quality of
music education and in the lives of music students; (2) Member Programs, which inspire quality teaching, the pursuit
of ongoing teacher education and member involvement with community outreach; (3) a thriving Foundation, which
funds Student Programs and member needs through its investments, donations, and grants.
MTAC State Office